Blacks In Government (BIG) IRS - New Carrollton Chapter (NCC)

BIG-IRS NCC New Carrollton Chapter celebrating JUNETEENTH 2021

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“Juneteenth ….Oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States. Juneteenth marks the ending of institutionalized slavery in Texas, the last state to recognize the Emancipation Proclamation.”
Juneteenth Celebration Theme:
Cominng soon
Date: June 16th, 2022
Time: 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM.

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For further information, please contact Dora Holmes at (202) 774-4396

Contact Us:

Blacks In Government (BIG)-IRS New Carrollton
P.O. Box 2166
Landover Hills, MD 20784