Thank you, IRS New Carrollton Chapter, for electing me to serve as your President.
I am excited about the opportunity to serve you and to further the mission, objectives and goals of Blacks in Government. My goals for the year include:
• Equipping you, as BIG members, with the necessary tools to accomplish your career goals
Please join us, the Blacks In Government, IRS- New Carrollton Chapter!! We are a dynamic organization committed to advocacy and support for African Americans employed in local, state and federal government; professional development and community outreach throughout the greater Washington, DC Metropolitan Area.
Plan now for BIG’s 2024 Annual National Training Institute (NTI)! The NTI offers numerous training sessions/workshop offerings to enhance both career and personal development. Additionally, it presents a platform to be informed and inspired by dynamic speakers (both public & private) and for networking opportunities.
Blacks In Government (BIG)-IRS New Carrollton
P.O. Box 2166
Landover Hills, MD 20784